Contact Us


We receive a lot e-mails per day and endeavour to answer all genuine requests for  information. When sending an email enquiry, please include your full name, organization and postal address and the purpose of your enquiry (anonymous e-mails will not be answered). Ensure the subject line of your e-mail refers directly to the subject matter therein, so that it can be forwarded to the appropriate person. Please do not contact more than one person or we will not be able to process your enquiry.

Media enquiries

Media enquiries only should be addressed to STAIMO Chief Support at


Digital and PDFs of STAIMO News can be seen and downloaded from this website. If you need to receive a hard copy, or to notify us of a change of address, contact

Technical enquiries

All technical enquiries should be directed to

Website comments

Comments and suggestions relating to this website can be sent to

Offices of the Secretariat

for address
STAIMO Helpdesk

Attn. STAIMO Chief support
P.O. Box 28
6700 AA Wageningen

The Netherlands

Tel  +31 317 493514
Fax +31 317 493245
